Z-26 Zinc Anode (LL-26)
- Used by Riviera, Wellcraft and other fine yachts.
- Galvanized steel strap 1-1/2” wide runs end to end through the zinc, with a total length of 19”.
- Shipped only via UPS Ground within the Continental U.S.
- Significant volume discounts are available for this anode.
- For a price quote, please call or email us with your quantity requirements and your delivery address.
Part Number Variations: 1793, Z-26-BoltOn, Z26-BoltOn, Z-26, Z26, CMZ26SZ, 628309119447, CMZ26GZ, CMZ26SZSP1, CMZ26SZ, 628309171285, CMCDZ8126SZ, W-26, W26, CAMW26, 836758004249, ZSS-26, ZSS26, LL-26, LL26, RIV-440, RIV440, M-26, M26, Riviera, 12007, GA-26, GA26, RM-26, RM26, CMCDZ8126SZ, ZHS26, ZHS-26, CDZ8-126S